
Medical Malpractice Attorney Serving Philadelphia & South Jersey

We turn to medical professionals for help in healing and recovery, therefore when the outcome is an injury or even death that was preventable, our trust is shaken to the core. If you or a loved one suffered harm or loss of life due to the negligence of a medical provider or hospital, you may be a victim of medical malpractice.

What is Medical Malpractice?

Examples of medical malpractice include the failure to diagnose a serious illness at a treatable stage, failure to diagnose and treat a heart attack or other life-threatening condition, medication errors, lab errors, birth injuries, and surgery mistakes. Doctors and nurses are only human, but they are expected to perform at professional standards and have a duty of care to their patients. If an error in diagnosis, treatment, or illness management results in injury or harm to the patient, then it is considered medical malpractice.

Compensation For Medical Malpractice

Victims of medical malpractice are often left with staggering amounts of medical debt, devastating injuries, or the loss of a loved one. While in most cases it is not possible to repair the physical and emotional damage done, it may be possible to recover compensation for past and future medical expenses, past and future wages lost, disabilities or disfigurement resulting from negligence, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and punitive damages. If you lost a loved one, we can help you pursue a wrongful death claim that could recover damages for pain and suffering, loss of the relationship both emotionally and financially, and any expenses you incurred for the medical bills, burial, and funeral.

It is possible to sue not only the medical practitioner, but other entities associated with the practitioner, such as the hospital, practice group, medical teaching facility, or nursing home. An experienced medical malpractice lawyer will know how to build a strong case against all the parties that must be held accountable for your injuries.

Establishing Negligence

To win a medical malpractice case, the plaintiff must show that the medical practitioner was negligent in providing care to the patient. Establishing negligence requires that the following criteria be met:

  • The medical professional owed a duty of care to the plaintiff as one would expect, for example, between a doctor and patient.
  • That duty was breached in that the care provided was not the expected standard; it was below the standard.
  • That the sub-standard care caused injury to the patient.

Establishing the standard of care requires the testimony of medical experts. Medical malpractice cases are often complex and subject to strict time limits for filing, so do not hesitate to schedule a consultation with an experienced attorney immediately.



Commercial litigation is more prevalent than ever before, and the trusted Pennsylvania commercial litigation lawyers at the Law Offices of E. William Hevenor are ready to help your case. Call us today at 610-251-9930 or contact us online for an initial consultation. Located in Paoli, Pennsylvania, we serve clients throughout the surrounding areas.
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